Sunday, August 26, 2007
ashley posted at 12:53 AM

it amazes me that one will actually dislike the fact that strangers or non-close friends are reading their blog.
crave for privacy, use livejournal with password then
spare the hassle and drama yo.
so lame.
i have been having fun for 3 weeks now
isnt it time to get my ass off the chair and work
i shall pray hard enough that i'll get the job
;) oh i am going NDC on friday to do my braces consultation
isnt it exciting.
i know of someone who has been asking and probing and niaming me to do it.
Quan said that i'm really whiny and bimbotic.
i beg to differ.
it's so fun to hop around and roll the eyes and eu the crowd and wear the makeup as long as i'm awake.
you needa cut me some slack yo.
holidays are suppose to be like that!
speaking of holidays, i kinda rmbed that we were suppose to go genting tmr.
it's upsetting that we are not alright.
sickening shit.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
ashley posted at 4:56 PM

TA06 girls (without winne, pat, tam and ying ying ;( )
nonetheless it was.... wild.
valarie, wanqi, yiling, constance, cindy, vion, raine, eddie, kammy, javiar, debbie (ang), clara, ken, sherie, des, ,mambo king, mark. aye everybody was there. it was just awesome.
though phuture started off with house which was boo!
but it turned R&B in the end. HEH that rocked the house.
i am so in love with R&B that i am as black as can be.
debbie brought us into velvet for the Motorola event.
fiona xie was there walking around kammy wanted to say hi.
well debbie didnt want to introduce fiona to him, oh well.
and he still have not gotten over his ex, aww.
i like i like!
zouk was boo too, personally cause i'm anti-house&trance.
however that made the boyfriends happy cause they can shuffle very well. which i cant even catch a beat. i am like a trance idiot. swear, and swear again yo.
i am heading down to zouk & mos on this wed cos it's pauline's birthday.
hopefully the ex girlfriend can make it too.
hopefully my clique can come too. i am anticipating it big time la.
idiot seh, always dont wanna come ;(
sat might be going dxo for faith's event or zouk for the paul van dyke event ( kammy has been very enthu over it)
cant wait.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
ashley posted at 4:31 AM

Alex Polstra

so handsome i almost fainted.
if i tell you i'm upset, would you believe?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
ashley posted at 11:47 PM

woo their exams are over.
went to meet christel, jody, stephy, joleen, fiona and headed to zouk at 9 plus!
cause they wanted to drink.
metdebbie, chen yang, ruiqing, isabel, geralding, timothy boay (yes he was asking me where's joey again.hahaha)
clara, liwen(yeaks), emily, weiliang i think, AND YES, ALEX POLSTRA. HEEHEEHEE. so handsome, i can so marry him on the spot.
i said i wouldnt drink but in the end i drank.
talk is cheap.
neway, i got so high,
we went to the toliet and sat down for-ever,
then i set the toliet roll on fire.
we just ran out of the toliet & bumped into alex polstra again.
no time to say HELLO or GOODBYE.
went straight home after that.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
ashley posted at 7:22 AM

You don’t care about me anymore. Care about me?
I don’t think so
I’m so sorry darling; did I do the wrong thing?
Oh, what was I thinking?
Is his heart still beating?Maroon 5 -
Wake Up Call lyrics
ashley posted at 7:15 AM

okay, so why bother let ______ take over.
it was never ______ __ __ anyway .
besides _______ is so _______ anyway.
so i'm a ____ girl.
haha fill in the blanks NOT.
cant wait till tmr.
RAH gorillas are gonna be freed.
ashley posted at 6:52 AM

went swimming just now.
sunshine was out siol
fucking funny, we tanned, semi-swimmed ( cos some asshole was too lazy and laze ard the poolside) jacuzzied, hot tubbed.
smoked gazillion.
went to town to shop ard cos that asshole wanted to get her bf something nice.
and we walked and played and tried on clothes and gone bonkers.
oh some fur ball assed her ass down on supposedly faith's seat thus the glaring and the sms-bitching started. we giggled so much i bet big time that she knows. HAHA NAH, DONT GIVE SHIT.
and randomly some asshole peeped at the guy beside her who look totally ( fill in the blank yourself).
Had a happy girlsdayout.
we dont need no jiquan no more.
oh yea the D&G glasses are chek sia.
Monday, August 20, 2007
ashley posted at 8:05 AM

Tongue loves naval.

we ate marche ytd.
was awesome.
not as awesome as village though
went down to weinan's place to get christel's naval pierced.
he was like so funny & so mean.
and guess what, he is clara's ex.
Mazing eh!
gonna get busy soon.
regarding that,
plainly because it is rubbish!
besides, they told me so, I'm listening this time.
for real, my beloved girlfrens.
i can do this, i can! no more vicious cycle!
i woke up in terror, I SWEAR, i had a terrible terrible nightmare (though i derreamt of shawn yue. heh)
and i fell down and hurt my ankle.
misery misery eh.
and i called several friends.
one just told me they can only talk to me on wed.
another was just awesomely kind. just 5 seconds of comfort was plenty.
wesly's so bimbotic. made me laugh alot, & he is having his exams too.
swear again. haha
oh i also dreamt of the secondary school mates.
lotta cheering, lotta girlfriends.
eh-mazing eh, aloof sehh.
k back to my harry potter;)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
ashley posted at 7:32 AM

stacie orrico- more to lifeI've got it all, but I feel so deprived
I go up, I come down and I'm emptier inside
Tell me what is this thing that I feel like I'm missing
And why can't I let it go
There's gotta be more to life...
Than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me
Cause the more that I'm...
Trippin' out thinkin' there must be more to life
Well it's life, but I'm sure... There's gotta be more
(Than wanting more)
I've got the time and I'm wasting it slowly
Here in this moment I'm half-way out the door
Onto the next thing, I'm searching for something that's missing
I'm wanting more
I'm always waiting on something other than this
Why am I feelin' like there's something I missed....
Always... Always...
CHORUS - repeat twice
More to life
There's gotta be more to life (more to life)
There's gotta be more to life (more)
More to my life
ashley posted at 6:28 AM

i just woke up,
ytd i reached home at 10 this morning.
tabbooed and zouked.
tabboo- uncle eddie's birthday,
dumped gallons of alcohol down the throat.
partied with christel, kammy, javiar and clara.
met darren there though, i bet uncle eddie kissed him inside out.
zouk- headed down with kammy, javiar and clara.
met the rest of the ginggang
durg, marcus, debbie ang, ken, august, august's fren. oh bumped into NP's liwen & emily too.
by the time we were there, the world was spinning & we puked alot.
i did not pass out, javiar & debbie did though.
unglamorous, people!
we guarded them till 7 plus.
heh reached home at 10
awesome & gruesome
oh i met fiona xie too.
she's ok.
oh ya and clara said she found me really familiar cos i met her before,
ashley chia, phuture,
da-dang- mystery solved.
back to bed again; )
Friday, August 17, 2007
ashley posted at 3:24 AM

rained like fuck today
damn the weather.
went to swim regardless;) heh.
going to town at 9 to meet the rest and we are heading down to zouk first then tabboo.
uncle edi's birthday seh.
the baby do not want to party today cos she wants to accompany her girlfriend.
tsk, want girlfren dont want bestfriend.
it's so boring, the party clique are having exams too.
how u tell me how;( a few more days but i am dying already oh crap.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
ashley posted at 8:55 AM

ok i admit i am freaking lazy.
i even rejected chilling out with kammy.
i totally nuaed the whole day. WHERE'S THE SWIMMING SESSION ASSLEY?
see la. PRISON BREAK PRISON BREAK (PB) now i'm gonna be a fat ass.
wa but i'm like desperate for prison break. i just finished the last episode i have for PB. shitcase.
tmr i must(CROSSES FINGERS) go swimming.
and not to forget, tmr's their first paper!
better rest well & do well ;)
Debbie & Joey &
Quan & Qing & Chammy & Vion ;)
( yea i dont give shit about the rest) See Quan, i appreciate you alright, i even NAMED YOU OUT IN BOLD
anyway we are heading down to zouk on sat.
kammy & ginggang. hoohoo. party time again!
and faith will be there too.
she so wanna kiss ... i shan't tell u all.
the more anticipated event is next wed's mambo.
with Debbie & Joey, hopefully.
i really badly seriously anticipating it!
Jordin Sparks- This is my nowThere was a time I packed my dreams away
Living in a shell, hiding from myself.
There was a time when I was so afraid
I thought I’d reached the end.
Baby, that was then.
But I am made of more than my yesterdays.
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can’t believe the love I see.
My fear’s behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now.
I had to decide.
Was I gonna play it safe?
Or look somewhere deep inside,
Try to turn the tide.
Find the strength to take that step of faith?
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
[ This Is My Now lyrics found on ]
As I look around,
I can’t believe the love I see.
My fear’s behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now.
I have a courage like never before, yeah.
I settled for less, but I’m ready for more.
Ready for more…
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can’t believe the love I see.
My fear’s behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now,
And I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around,
I can’t believe the love I see.
My fear’s behind me,
Gone are the shadows and doubt.
That was then.
This is my now.
This is my now.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
ashley posted at 11:03 PM

rainy morning.
dark & cold. yea the plan was to tan ; (
ytd went to town to chill with kammy, adrian, darren, variant, august.
damn funny, i'm turning gay soon. LOVE LOVE.
faith came over to make 1st month anniversary card for her boy.
lovey-dovey siaaa.
so funny, we burnt paper and smoked in my room, woo it smelt like MOS.
we talked about alot of things and yes, the bottom line is " why not", why not?
hahah and we were suppose to go tanning & swimming today. i overslept;(
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
ashley posted at 1:37 AM

awesome awesome
i just caught Mean girls again.
yet, it is my favourite show ever.
and yes Jonathan Bennett is totally cute. SO CUTE.
vicous cycle ah woman!
yakked on the phone for-ever with debbie ytd.
we could really talk about everything and anything under the moon la.
and i really appreciate that cause she's really busy now ; )
then there was this part that was really funny
debbie: eh, what's that sound ah?
me: i dont know, i heard it too, eh dont like that ah.
me: okay okay change topic change topic!
it was really funny and everything
and yea we are really alike in somesorta things.
just not born to be one. haha no potential, i'm not refering to lesbianism in anyway if there's such a word.
i dont know how i would survive screaming through the night if she didnt call me.
that's why i HEART HEART HER.
yucks, i sound so bim-bish.
nah, i am not plastic.
the true blue rock.
ashley posted at 1:33 AM

This is really beautiful okay,
i just received a mail from a mate.
i'm quoting it.
Hey Beloveds,
It's me! Pearlyn!
Here's something interesting that I would like to share. On my journey home with Evangeline after service last Sunday, we gals had our usual heart to heart fellowship. And there, she shared about this precious main cell in our body called Laminin. It's a pretty, wonderful thing. Check it out!
LAMININEvery living creature has Laminin inside them and the purpose of Laminin is that it basically keeps our bodies from falling apart; our heart, internal organs and sense organs are all made up of this main cell and there are millions and billions of Laminin cell in a person.
It holds us as one united whole.wanna see what laminin looks like???I know you you go!
Laminin is the shape of a Cross.
Notice there are 3 atoms that binds together to form 1 Laminin?
Doesn't it simply resembles the Holy Trinity : The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
DaddyGod Loves us ALL so much that each of us are uniquely and wonderfully crafted. Ain't it beautiful that every single human being on earth (be it Christians or non-Christians) has millions of billions of The Holy Trinity in them? How Awesome Is Our God.
DaddyGod Love,
Monday, August 13, 2007
ashley posted at 8:51 AM

rah, been a very busy girl today.
swim, tan, hot tubbed.
woo. and yes, i met the unglam woman again today.
but she didnt flash me her undergarments lehhh
went to meet quan and jill in the afternoon for a teeny weeny while and left. yes JILL is VERY TALL.jealous jealous woman i am.
went to meet KAMMY.
KAMMY IS BACK FROM MALAYSIA. he didnt buy chewy gums cos he thought i wanted bubble gums and there arent any bubble gums. Sign.
call himself my buddy,
BUT the buddy has been nice today so i am going to forgive him ;)
Met christel & stephy.
Ashley, pau.
kammy & ginggang.
Quan& jill today.
Holidays are tiring okay.

AND since everybody's busy now, i shall entertain myself with the gorgeous sun.
Nothing beats a lazy sunny afternoon in the pool.

Lifestyle of the HOLIDAY KIDS.
(mommy is still screaming at me to pull out the stud. i fucking scared la.lovelovethe stud siaa)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
ashley posted at 9:25 PM

This is that kinda day when one wakes to a beautiful morning.
smokeless for the 3rd day.
still going strong.
everything seems brighter,
it's sunnier.
i'm smarter,
i'm happier,
complexion is cheering
everything is beautiful
i miss debbie, joey and christel.
cant everyone get less busy.
exams hurry be over.
just the little things.
goodness in life, overwhelming.
avril- innocence :) Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life
and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things
that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
[ Chorus ]This innocence is brilliant
I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect
Please don't go away
I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life
and now it's so clear
Feel calm, I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling
[ Chorus ][ Lyrics provided by ]It's a state of bliss, you
think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's a state of bliss, you
think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Makes you wanna cry
This innocence is brilliant
Please don't go away
Cus I need you now
And I'll hold on to it
Don't you let it pass you by
ashley posted at 9:00 AM

i am staying over at sissy's .
i cant help but start feeling freaking guilty over the last meal i ate.
sucks. tongue piercing made me really hungry and hence, the after effect of that is binging on food.
yet it sucks to feel full.
yeak, yeak yeak yeak.
i am such a drama queen, it is only a tongue piercing and i made a big huha.
shame on you ashley.
i am so gonna swim and tan tmr.
hot tub & jacuzzi
and D.I.Y facial too.
karaoke in the night with sissy or pek&gao or better still, all three;)
i wanna have the best of both worlds.
chocolates & shopping always amplify the happiness in my life.
can these moments just freeze?
happy, happier, happiest.
ashley posted at 8:24 AM

went out with the first sissy.
went to her office first
Tongue still hurts.
vivoed today, met denise, marie, and audrey there.
singapore is such as small place.
shopped;) u cant imagine how happy i was, am.
and i cant wait to wear my latest possession; )
i felt really pampered.
it is true that i am a very fortunate person.
my Besties pamper me.
my babies pamper me.
my girlfriends pamper me.
my sissys pamper me.
my mommies pamper me.
i should stop being selfish (AND UNGLAM, HAHA)
i am just a very greedy person.
i hate what i did, i despise that.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
ashley posted at 9:55 AM

i hate it i hate it i hate it.
This is so unfair.
where's my genie where's my God.
this cant be home.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
ashley posted at 7:34 AM

The tongue is screaming "fuck you , ashley wen"
i am having the worse time ever,
you dont wanna know.
went to school for project.
heh today was not productive at all. :(
i was sleeping away, felt really bad cos i wasnt feeling that well, and now that my gastric is building up,
i swear i could just roll on the floor and die.
i slept 534464mins and stained the pillow with the eyeliner.
and i tugged my tongue stud while i was eating
i ordered pasta and only drank the sauce.
i drank alot of water which is totally horrible considering the fact that my water retention rate is damn high.
i reached school and they were eating donuts from donut factory ( i didnt even get a bite.)
2000 people laughed at my pronunciation.
1000 of them died from laughing too hard.
We are celebrating eug's birthday tmr and we are having steamboat, i am just going there to show face.
who says holidays rock?
The tongue begs to differ.
yes, as u can tell. this entry is just merely for me to WHINE.
nuff said.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
ashley posted at 9:28 AM

it was really bad bad bad.
i could practically peel off the makeup.
haha. i hate the photographer.
i like my anna sui eyeliner though.
heehee. cheap thrills sia.
we went to swim after that. HOT TUB was really like freaking hot, debbie couldnt take the HEAT.
she's not hot enuff lahhh. HAHAA HEH.
had such a great time with her today;)
not the first, neither gonna be the last.
let it be. :)
i miss my ciggys.
come here babies.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
ashley posted at 12:59 PM

went to swim in the morning with my beloved joey,
nice and everything, sunnnnyyyy!
the giant umbrella fell into the pool
it was hilarious and she thought it was a boat or something.
chester was very touchy though( HAHAHA)
i kicked IT like 82634274 times today. heehee.
went down to bugis with quan, gao and desmond.
Shopped like a queen today
i bought so many things i am just so sexcited.
felt really disturbed, i dont know why either.
it's so not like me at all, even the clarification was weird for me
but it was all okay
feels weird now.
i dont know why i did that.
Friday, August 03, 2007
ashley posted at 11:15 AM

i will be supportive ;) i promised and i am.
i ate so much today i am so screwed.
crap sia.
cleared my admin stuffs today, young was so irritating i almost strangled her, just as much as the new employee, (adeline) sucks big time.
company brought us out for lunch, i calculated and spent as much as possible. typical auditor. and we exchanged gifts with our seniors. i bought them really nice landyards. doraemon, snoopy, minnie mouse yadda yadda. i mean the EY's was really hideous. i forgot to kop stationaries though.
i got back my evaluation today. i seriously did well.
kinda surprised, but a lovely one. HEH HEH HEH
went for steamboat with seniors, we were so crappy. LOVE THEM SIA.
i didnt get to eat my redbeanpaste, what a shame
went to meet quan after that.
smoked and RUBBISHED.
it's gonna be a great day.
it has to be.
;) mega beams.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
ashley posted at 11:58 AM

went to meet joey and kammy ytd.
we talked alot.
settled alot.
worried alot.
i pray and hope hard that everything will turn out right.
i'm like super worried and i dreamt that me and quan fought. damn upsetting. i dont know why.
insecurity sets in. ;( ( hey, where's the super girl hiding?)
pierced my nose again.
i asked chia to help me do the marking on the nose, he drew a "X" and i was still stoning while they laughed their asses off. HEH.
met javiar and debbie(nahhh, not my honey deb) after that. a bunch of crazy nuts, they like did alot of crazy stuffs, THEY TOOK A LIGHTED CIGGY AND RAN ONTO THE BUS AND THEN ALIGHTED.
we were so old schoooll can. it was freaking awesome.
drank alot.
kammy is like my social helicopter, i met like 72364276439 people that night.
Quite a bit of drama ytd.
i w as not the drama queen, was draggggeedd outta nowhere.
she'sthe slut that threw herself, another was apparently super upset,
i was merely just standing there(with POPCORNS. hahaha)