i just received a mail from a mate.
i'm quoting it.
Hey Beloveds,
It's me! Pearlyn!
Here's something interesting that I would like to share. On my journey home with Evangeline after service last Sunday, we gals had our usual heart to heart fellowship. And there, she shared about this precious main cell in our body called Laminin. It's a pretty, wonderful thing. Check it out!
LAMININEvery living creature has Laminin inside them and the purpose of Laminin is that it basically keeps our bodies from falling apart; our heart, internal organs and sense organs are all made up of this main cell and there are millions and billions of Laminin cell in a person.
It holds us as one united whole.wanna see what laminin looks like???I know you do....here you go!
Laminin is the shape of a Cross.
Notice there are 3 atoms that binds together to form 1 Laminin?
Doesn't it simply resembles the Holy Trinity : The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
DaddyGod Loves us ALL so much that each of us are uniquely and wonderfully crafted. Ain't it beautiful that every single human being on earth (be it Christians or non-Christians) has millions of billions of The Holy Trinity in them? How Awesome Is Our God.
DaddyGod Love,