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I can slay, my own dragon
I can dream, my own dreams
My knight in shining armour is me
So I'm gonna set me free
Ashley catherine Andrews

Monday, December 04, 2006
ashley posted at 7:41 AM

i suddenly realised that kev suits the previous skin better so i changed skin again.

i found so many great skins but they were just too sweet, and sweet is definitely not a word you will use to justify me therefore i just had to settle with this skin for the time being and search for lovely skin if i have the time. =<
lips, it's all ur fault.

i had so much to blog bout
but i really cant rmb anything
that is not good.

we celebrated AH BUI'S BDAY TODAY
he's finally/and only turned 3 this year.
so cute
getting fatter again
he's my fat fat fur ball!
he was so cute, i swear, he asked me " what happened?" for a 3 years old toddler, it's impressive isnt it?

it's really amazing how i can wake up and suddenly miss so many people!
chek wye
i cant wait to end of ct and lets celebrate till we drop.
shop till we drop
club till we drop
mahjong till we nua
pedicure till our toes fall out
sing till our lungs explode
skate till my wheels come off