can some body ask fiona to get far far away from my utt.
hands off
yes i think lee geok lian loves me
she asked me whether i stopped liking her
was suppose to meet jaclyn at 6.30
but merenda and me got the location wrongly
instead of meeting at the office, we met outside novena
i think she was like thinking wtf.
me and magesh went to united square for dinner
he is one a hell of a sarcastic friend
he is going to name his son jack
and my daughter will be named ash
so they can get married cos apparently magesh likes to call ash as ass
so on their wedding day you will see the sign " JACKASS"
it is not fair
i have not recieved any present from santa ever.
i've been good for the last 18 years.
maybe just enter my house through the rubbish chute?
yes, we singaporeans do not have chimney so does that mean santa's not coming to our houses
that is not fair
that means only the angmohs get the pressies.
deb's eyecandy kept walking into pau and mine vision siaaaa
sibeh sian
where is my eyecandy hiding ?