Friday, November 30, 2007
ashley posted at 6:47 AM

so much that i can totally die right now.
school sucks with this kinda people.
deadline Friday 7pm.
i received 1 lump of shit
and better still, shitless from the other 2
i stayed home on a
friday night to do this and these people are ______________?
my report is due on Monday.
so kill me.
i am so crude(i practically removed all the f word before every word).
Wednesday met up with quan.
he's one happy boy
and i am happy that he is happy.
went to mug/play/gossip/bond * rolleyes:(*
some random pictures ahead.
eh our whole clique take pictures lehhh.
so deprived of that

btw if you guys can tell, that is just a piece of paper, not the cig:)
back to the project nobody cares.
i'm alil insecure now. i wish B was here with me.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
ashley posted at 12:29 AM

the life is officially filled with projects and books.
can i get any boring-er?
doubt so.
and i cant even install the sims 2.
nerve wrecking siaaaa and to top all the frustrations off, i'm smoke-free. yay/boo
k pictures.

my love :), big time
Project meeting and dinner

Side Dish - darn cute

Lecture nutness. That's jenny in front though.

Quekster :) my love

Jenny missed.

Saturday, November 24, 2007
ashley posted at 1:16 AM

i need all the time in the whole world
and i need to rest. goodbye.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
ashley posted at 8:50 AM

i was reading.
kinda miss what we had.
once more?
i would love it.
but we are not who we used to be.
it'll be totally different.
mazing how we made it through and moved on.
how weird, at least it was nice to know i was part of it.
all but a bad move.
ashley posted at 7:22 AM

drama magnet.
back to the same word.
back to the same phrase.
back into the vicious cycle which never ends.
my bugaboos,
never end.
Monday, November 19, 2007
ashley posted at 11:26 AM

ashley posted at 10:29 AM

seems like i'm missing out on alot of stuffs.
it's upsetting.
there's nothing much i can do.
all of us gotta move on someday, eventually right?
if it's my turn, i'll understand so.
right now i'm just gonna do the right thing.
Thursday i'm going JB.
makeup lesson for IF.
Renee and joyjoy make the cutest couple.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
ashley posted at 8:41 AM

Rahness la.
watched stardust just now.
the show was just funny.
and the main actor was SO HANDSOME.
ate alot of junk food just now.
i wanna complain
my beloved jenny is sick.
and i haven been spending time with BIE BIE.
some bodoh was damn HM today.
that is the official nickname for now.
buzzbuzzbuzzbuzzbuzz away to la la land.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
ashley posted at 4:52 AM

i can so die from the pain now.
i cant eat solid food properly.
i wanna bulldoze my mom(
i hate to come home to this.
i am just going to sleep my Saturday away.
fuck this, seriously.
went to town with ling and jo ytd
met joy and renee and claudia.
my sim looks awesome
her house, awesomeness
i'm addicted already.
and we spent the whole afternoon creating sims who look like yui and glenn.
and best of all, we are all neighbors.
And it stats in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me tight
Thursday, November 08, 2007
ashley posted at 10:43 PM

This is a oh-so-sunny day and i really feel like tanning:(
oh well i dont wanna age that soon
double boo.
love you much much shall be the new phrase now cos many many can be counted while much is not countable.
GEE i love the jennies much much.
so instead of being in class, i am out here blogging cause it's tax and it is SOOOO boring. to the core to the max like ulitmate. met magesh awhile ago, miss the O'days. dinners, lunches, and yes the gossiping. no one else can gossip the way he can and to top that off, he knows alot of WOOHOO news. He is the true blue bim.
did i mention, i ate like 10cm-10cm-10cm of A Mango cheese cake and supper yesterday with O-ni as my dessert. i am not going to whine bout it cos it was awesome.
meeting Sherie in the afternoon forrrrrrr shopping.
Been forever:(
missed her fav line "like intense wei"
joy's : (anything in high pitch)
mine: (AWESOME LO)-amplify the volume 091283982 times.
wonder how is joey doing man. hope she is feeling better.
pray hard hard for you okay
Sims is so funny- my character is so pretty. i have yet to decorate the house, and teach her any abilities . i wanna go steal uncle lim's cd and install it :) i wonder if one can play sims using PSP. constance will be celebrating bigtime.
k yum's time now.
ashley posted at 8:01 AM

6novand so, after steamboat with the 06 girls,
went down to look for joy and sherie.
joy was such a sweet pie, she came to pick me from my place.
how nice:)
headed to sherie's with a surprise cake, carrot cakes and drinks:)
we picnic-ed under the block, you may not believe this but i really enjoyed myself.
honestly, it's the company that counts.
fell sick though but we sent joy to airport where she took her flight to thailand.
7novreached home at 9.30 in the morning and slept all the way till plus.
then the ginggang shocked me by appearing at my voiddeck.
Uncle lim, uncle quan, uncle yum, uncle glenn, uncle shengjie, uncle gao, uncle desmond, uncle eeren, auntie youyi:)
pleasant surprise. lovely lovely
and they bought me this
Youyi and Glenn made me this huge bday card
we then drove down to steamboat again.
at the same place.
that is yum's nickname remember?hahahah
went to chill at SJ's place's kopitiam.
davidcooperfield, blackjack.
8novwent to gym with youyi and glenn like for 20 mins.
HAHAAH weak sia we all.
played sims with uncle lim
joey's sick today so dinner some other day
:) :)
simplicity is bliss.
you guys are the awesomeness in me.
"If you forget
I'll remind you
If you're paranoid
I'm behind you
If You lose your head
I'll find you
Kiss kiss"
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
ashley posted at 7:37 AM

i totally absolutely completely ate fucking alot today
so CUI till i can die.
awesome time spent with the classmates.
Cindy Vion Kengie Constance Valarie Yiling
Steamboat at chong qing
i recieved 3 boxes ofchocolates already.
love it and hate it.
20 more mins to 19.
ehh fucking tired.
still at my auntie's place right now.
better hurry home.
my friends are the awesomeness in my life.
and jennies rock my socks.
totally awesome.