Sunday, March 25, 2007
ashley posted at 7:28 AM

after being in EY,
i feel so drained.
that is definitely not my passion, my dream.
how many of us have dreams?
how many of us are told that money is more important?
how many of us are happy?
doesnt it kills us inside to be working for money for practical means not dreams?
money was suppose serve us, our needs!
but why are we working under slavery for money?
money feels so cold, dead. is that why singaporeans are so emotionally cold and dead too?
how mant have backstabbed or hurt another to climb the corporate ladder?
in singapore, it's all bout money money and money!
money is so personified that i some how think that money have parents too!
you need the money papa and the money mama to create money.
only with money, more money are created.
so where are we suppose to get money?
education and hard labour?
but education needs money!
so the bottom basis of life is still money isnt it?
life is so meaningless when we live for money.
there's no more dreams, passions, and love anymore.
all we have is money.
if you wanna survive, embrace money,
our survival kit. living things are suppose to evolve to accustom to our living circumstances.
i believe we have evolved,
i call this as emotional evolution.
ashley posted at 7:28 AM

after being in EY,
i feel so drained.
that is definitely not my passion, my dream.
how many of us have dreams?
how many of us are told that money is more important?
how many of us are happy?
doesnt it kills us inside to be working for money for practical means not dreams?
money was suppose serve us, our needs!
but why are we working under slavery for money?
money feels so cold, dead. is that why singaporeans are so emotionally cold and dead too?
how mant have backstabbed or hurt another to climb the corporate ladder?
in singapore, it's all bout money money and money!
money is so personified that i some how think that money have parents too!
you need the money papa and the money mama to create money.
only with money, more money are created.
so where are we suppose to get money?
education and hard labour?
but education needs money!
so the bottom basis of life is still money isnt it?
life is so meaningless when we live for money.
there's no more dreams, passions, and love anymore.
all we have is money.
if you wanna survive, embrace money,
our survival kit. living things are suppose to evolve to accustom to our living circumstances.
i believe we have evolved,
i call this as emotional evolution.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
ashley posted at 10:16 AM

it kills me inside.
i really have no passion for audit.
i dreadddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Saturday, March 17, 2007
ashley posted at 10:40 AM

fiona says she radiates from within.
watched chocolate and blood, fell asleep in the beginning of the show, but the ending was alright.
went to mos with deb gang.
felt damn bad cos i wanted to club after we watched movie buutttt they were really tired! they compromised with me!
i am a terrible terrible woman!
we took a dozen pictures!
i hate my hair, itchy backside sia.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
ashley posted at 9:58 AM

And when your mad cause u lost the game
Forget I'm waiting in the rain
Baby I love u
I love u anyway
So when u turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie it made u cry
That's when I love u
I love u
A little more each time
And when u cant quite match you clothes
Or when u laugh at your own jokes
that's when I love u
I love u
More then u know
And when u forgot that we had a date
Or that look that u give when u show up late
Baby I love u ,I love u anyway
ashley posted at 9:35 AM

i am such a bad friend.
truth hurts
Sunday, March 11, 2007
ashley posted at 7:32 AM

i am having sunday night blues!
music keeps my life spinning!
crazy bitches and morning madness,
and tons of spastic moments.
i do not want to complicate life.
uptown girl, in that uptown world!
spin spin spin and soon i'll be 25,
uptown girl.
and that downtown man.
Friday, March 09, 2007
ashley posted at 7:25 AM

ignorance is bliss.
maybe you guys dont care anymore.
i've got to learn to moveeeee on.
because nobody stays with another forever, not even ur spouse.
and esp in my shoes,
everything is nothing.
nuff said.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
ashley posted at 5:14 AM

goodness gracious, i've been a workaholic.yay, and it's fast, the weekends' are coming HEE feet have been suffering! blisters, super killer shoes, i dropped my fucking freaking file on my pretty toe nails! BAHand i kicked my wound!gimme garfield's plaster would u ;( oh i'm hanging out with ricky soon, i so missed him!and yes we are kinda kuku,we are playing badminton!we will nv grow old!and genting with GFS SOON! sweeeeeeeeethopefully DEB and CHEN can come too. it will be alot alot alot of FUN cos stepf might be driving us there,otherwise, there's GRASSLANDand with alot alot of GFS, THERE WILL BE ALOT OF FUN thailand- HERE I COME!sat -sentosa LAADDDIEESS. boy! do i need a tan!i wanna bite that lady ( SINEE)hopefully we can allll have lunch tmr! i miss having lunch with her and jia hong ! QUIT GOING TO THE CLIENT'S PLACE!i dread monday. there's so many people i wanna hug right now!sandra joey ling renee =) oh boy, i sure miss alot of people.(u guys are the color of my life ;D rah )k i wanna watch TEEBEE.friends is still the best sitcom.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
ashley posted at 8:55 AM

i had a really good weekend!
met that chao neh neh deb sng
and we went suana/steam bath.
quality time spent! bitched bout boys boys and more boys.
i'm gonna miss her a hell-lot.
still, we are meeting up this thurs again! cant wait.
we also went down to meet her kakis,
irvin, chin weng ( who looks really like mal), chen.
and we played pool!
i killed chin and chen! HA HA HA
and i met ashley chia, that fella had new tattoos again! goodness gracious.
i got this feeling that i'm gonna see very little of him
=< damn!
i'm gonna cry ( right~)
then me deb chen ate supper( only chen literally ate, we drank water! haha typical huh)
then there was this bunch of weird men kajiao sia
still say that botak( chen) purposely block their view!
went hm after that and it was like 5 in the morning already.
went to church today!
pastor was really cute.
met my sandra darling and she had to leave early =<
i met one of my fav girl in the whole wide world today!
christel HO HO HO
we went to shop and eat and shop and eat and shop.
we had the best time today, we laughed 20 kgs off.
i bought gazillion stuffs today
=) =) =) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am a happy girl
cos jesus is my righteousness!
with alot of love, and alot of lust.
Friday, March 02, 2007
ashley posted at 9:56 AM

oh no,
what happened,
she is such a poseur.
and she's desperate.
i detest her.
am i talking about u? of cos i am ;D
ashley posted at 8:30 AM

Woman from Mars is back!
i'm soooo tired!
pipi: so tell us ashley wen, what have u been up to?
wen: nothing much, just committing several frauds and stuffs (laughs)
pipi: (ROLLEYES) that is not funny.
wen: hehhh.
i so hate my new shoes, i have 2 huge blisters.
i so hate to wake up freaking early
i so hate to travel freaking far
i like EY's OFFICE, damn grand.( and we have 24/7 supply of milo)
i like my seniors, they were all from NP. ga gi lang
i like taking cab every single day and claim the cab fare from EY
i like having 3 days of annual leave.
i like having sinye, jiahong and bernard to acc me for LUNCH, it is so exciting, oh did i tell u guys, raffles peeps love to CHOP seats with TISSUE PAPERS. wow.
oh ya did i tell u andrew fell aslp and he snored really loudly in our training class
darn funny. poor guy
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee EY for now.
that's my 3secs long of passion.
yes china town has TANG YUAN that's FREAKING nice,
greedy me ate 5 just now.
i am so gulity (so NOT)
wu zun is on tv NOW, So BYE BYE LA PEOPLE
wu zun more impt.