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I can slay, my own dragon
I can dream, my own dreams
My knight in shining armour is me
So I'm gonna set me free
Ashley catherine Andrews

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
ashley posted at 8:26 AM

i went to meet my dearest sweetest renee!
she's such a fucker!

it's a love/hate relationship
i was/am so sick coughed my sore-throat out!
my poop was GREEN
freaking green
i scared the hell outta myself.

i seriously miss SQS 4B,
oh , i saw my classpic! it was so cute!
mr liu, our fav/snoopy! every of my physics handout have got snoopy!
i want a chalet
i want a gathering
i want 4B/2004!

fuck, it's 2007 already, 2004 seems like ytd
how i wish it was like then,
when there we only had you, her and me. and we were our everything!
nonetheless. we still love each other, though i am ANGRY/ FURIOUS/GOING TO KILL
christel belle ho mei zhen
pei zhen mei zhen mei hui (pz2m2h)

renee showed me the pics we took!
SUPERB, i think i lost 99%
=< she refused to give me hers. NB

my nose is bleeding and the stud just wont go thru.
fucking troublesome.
i am going to check out the jackpots on the 18th
and kick some jack(pot)ass
jackass aloha!